Wednesday 16 March 2011


I was never wholly in favour of the so called Blairite doctrine of regime change by force of arms. I was though in favour of the use of military intervention against dictators waging war against their own people and even more so if their own people were demanding democracy. Thus I was in favour of military intervention against Saddam Hussein whilst he was killing Shi'a and Kurds. Having failed to take proper action against Saddam Hussein at the time he was murdering his own people I never felt it right to go after him later, particularly on the basis of what even then appeared to be a dubious claim about weapons of mass destruction. The idea that Iraq could have launched these weapons in 45 minutes as Blair claimed was at the time cloud cuckoo land as far as I was concerned. Gaddafi is murdering his own people and I strongly believe therefore that we should be doing everything we possibly can to support his opposition. It is a mystery to me that America is holding back. If there was ever any doubt about Obama's lack of fitness for office and how his nickname Bummer describes him perfectly there can be no argument now. Not to intervene in Libya, not even to impose a no fly zone is a disgrace. Europe being good for absolutely nothing one could never count on it doing anything and I tear my hair out in impotent rage at Britain's lack of military strength. Labour ruined us financially and as a consequence our ability to undertake missions to cut out cancers. The only consolation is that at least Cameron seems to recognise the need for something to be done and done now. Archbishop Cranmer has an excellent blog post on this subject today -  

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