Sunday 20 March 2011

No Fly Zone

So the no-fly zone has been put into effect with attacks against military targets initiated yesterday and continuing over the next several days. The Arab League are said to be having cold feet although Hague does not seem to think so even though the Secretary-General of the Arab League is reported as having said "What is happening in Libya differs from the aim of imposing a no-fly zone and what we want is the protection of civilians and not the bombardment of civilians." I do not believe the Arab League is showing cold feet and I believe no one can argue against the Secretary General's statement. No one wants the bombardment of civilians, merely the destruction of Gaddafi's ability to murder his own people which clearly involves taking out anti-aircraft weapons, tanks, troops and the like. Civilian deaths have been reported by Gaddafi's regime but in light of his history it is almost impossible to believe what Gaddafi says. If there have been civilian deaths caused by our weaponry is it because, as reported, Gaddafi has placed tanks and the like in or near civilian living quarters? Do we believe Gaddafi's call for a second ceasefire? I wouldn't and I trust those in authority will not believe him either but continue with the destruction of his military hardware.  

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