Sunday 27 March 2011

The Romantic

Some may see Ed Miliband's speech yesterday as the utterances of a romantic. Others may well feel that to compare the march in London yesterday by those against "cuts" made necessary by the economic policies they voted for was to denigrate the memory of the Suffragettes, the American Civil Rights protestors and those who stood up to Apartheid. At what level can the march by those in favour of more borrowing to feather bed their jobs at the expense of those working in the private sector be compared to the noble causes pursued by the Suffragettes, the American Civil Rights and anti Apartheid protestors? There is no comparison at any level between yesterday's selfish marchers and the others. By Ed Miliband suggesting there is an equality of nobility between them all is to demonstrate that he has no contact with reality. We now know what kind of person Ed Miliband is - someone who believes in nonsense and is prepared together with Ed Balls to say or do anything to achieve power. By his pretentious speech yesterday we will know him. By his support of the marchers we will know him. By his surprise at the disgraceful antics of those who caused mayhem and destruction around the fringes of the march yesterday we shall know him. We shall not forget when it comes to the next election either.   

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