Thursday 24 March 2011


Louise Bagshawe wrote a most interesting article in the Telegraph today castigating the BBC for its anti Israel bias by not reporting the gruesome murders of various members of the Fogel family and the celebrations in Gaza afterwards, always reporting Palestinian rocket attacks as the result of Israeli incursions into Gaza and never suggesting that perhaps the Israeli incursions may be as a result of rocket attacks. Ms Bagshawe found out that when she complained on twitter about this bias she was disappointed that the BBC just shrugged it off. This smug, know-all attitude of the BBC is something that those who have the temerity to complain always seem to meet with. The BBC is really far too superior for this world and should be brought down to size. First of all the tax levied to keep it afloat should be abandoned and the whole shebang, television and radio, should be privatised. It should be broken up so that it no would no longer hold a monopoly position and so that other stations with a different political bias like Fox News could be floated to compete against it. It will need a brave politician to carry out these urgent and necessary reforms so that I doubt we shall see any reforms at all happening any time soon. Lord Patten of Barnes is certainly not going to carry out the reforms and is unlikely to even take another look at the structure of the BBC which was so gerrymandered by the last Labour government to bolster its own purposes rather than those of the BBC paymasters. 

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