Thursday 3 March 2011


When is it a duty to ignore the rule of law? When the rule of law relates to a decision made by  institutions that have not been democratically approved. If the European Union as currently constituted  had been accepted by us the people rather than imposed on us fraudulently then the stupid decision by the European Court of Justice made this week about premium rates for young women would have to be accepted. We the people though did not approve the current constitution. We were told we would have a referendum on whether or not to approve it but the then government reneged. This thus gives us the people the right to ignore every decision taken by the EU and its Court even if approved by our Parliament because Parliament cannot approve anything coming from the EU or its Court as we have not authorised parliament through the referendum to do so. Thus all directives etc that emanate from the EU are void ab initio as far as we are concerned. There will no doubt come a point in the future when a crisis in the relationship between this country and the EU will come to a head. VAT is an EU tax so no taxation without representation (and do not tell me the the EU Parliament is other than a sop, without any powers) seems to be a good issue on which to fight. We need our own Jasmine Revolution.

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