Tuesday, 19 July 2011

The Select Committee

I missed the first hour of the Murdoch grilling but watched the rest of the show including the Rebekah Brooks souffle. It will not have done any of them any harm even though there will be many like Mr Farrelly MP (one of the inquisitors) who will not believe that Rebekah didn't know what was going on in the newsroom of the papers of which she was editor. I have no knowledge of how a newsroom works so as far as I'm concerned I found not only the Murdochs but also Mrs Brooks believable. Not only as I've said did the hearing do none of them any harm I think it has done them some good. At least now when further wild claims are made people will hesitate before swallowing them. The hearing will help Cameron and as he will be appearing tomorrow in a different and more aggressive forum he can afford to be a little less humble and more confrontational. He should though admit that his choice of communications director did not turn out to be the best and he's embarrassed about it and about the fact Neil Wallis helped out at the election even though he did not know about it but that if that is the worst mistake he makes as Prime Minister he will be mighty pleased. He should also add that although one can choose one's friends one can't always choose their backgrounds and anyway everyone is innocent until the contrary is proved.        

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