Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Reading between the lines it seems that what we had always suspected is in fact the case. We play by the rules laid down by Brussels in selecting contractors to carry out projects in this country whereas other countries in the EU cheat and appoint their own. How is it possible with the pound sterling at such a low exchange rate against the euro that Siemens can make an offer which beats that of Bombardier. It is hardly credible particularly as Bombardier are such specialists in their field. It really is about time that we either got out of the EU or we adopted the same cheating ways as the Germans and French. In the meantime they are waging a war against us of which we are totally oblivious and as a result are losing. If we don't wake up and engage, whether we stay in the EU or get out, then we will lose altogether and our manufacturing base will be completely emasculated over the next few years. Clearly we will be much better out of the EU with far greater freedom of manoeuvre. So far we have retained a lead in banking and insurance but the EU again is trying to introduce regulation which will ensure we have to perform with one hand tied behind our back in order that the clunky German and French competition can catch up. The EU wants the UK neutered. They hate us because we remind them of the way they behaved in the last World War. There is no reasoning with people like that. We have to walk away.  I had high hopes for this government but am beginning to worry that they do not have the guts to stand up for us. Another example of their somewhat pathetic behaviour is the way the Government seem intent on making a £9.3 billion additional subscription to the IMF whereas something half that size would reflect our shareholding in that institution. Why are we being so generous?

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