Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Guido Fawkes

Will this be the year when Guido Fawkes becomes as powerful as the Sun or the News of the World used to be before the hacking scandal? Guido is gunning for Piers Morgan and for Huhne mercilessly and relentlessly. I almost feel sorry for them. Actually that's not true because if they are guilty of the behaviour of which they stand effectively accused then I can see no reason why they both should not spend time in jail. I shall though be surprised if the CPS prosecutes either of them but even if not it is difficult to see how their careers can remain unaffected. Cameron will have to ask Huhne to go and Morgan is unlikely to find his contract with CNN renewed. Who will replace Huhne? Lord Lawson would be an excellent choice but this is unlikely. Hopefully though it will be someone who is less of a global warming sucker. Someone who will bring in an energy policy which reduces energy bills rather than increases them. Someone who refuses to vandalise our countryside with wind farms. As to Morgan does it matter who replaces him? I'm sure if he's short of a bob or two he can get a job at the Punch Bowl in Farm Street in Mayfair where his brother is the manager. However as Morgan is a bit of a leftie he will no doubt get a job at the BBC who always look after their own. Look how they protected that awful Jonathan Ross.

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