Wednesday, 6 July 2011

News of the World

Those, mostly of the left but not entirely, who believe News International should not be allowed to make a bid for BSkyB are using the News of the World Scandal as cover for their wish to stop the bid. In truth the News of the World scandal has nothing to do with the bid - they are two separate issues. Those who would stop the bid include the Guardian and of course the BBC. The Guardian wants the media playing field to continue being slanted in favour of the left which it is afraid will be upset if the BSkyB bid goes ahead. The BBC stands in the same corner as the Guardian but how it can claim that if News International wins its bid for BSkyB that plurality of provider will be impaired is a bit rich coming from a virtual monopoly provider. If the Government were concerned about plurality it would split the BBC into various private companies first. There could then be no question of the BSkyB bid affecting plurality. If there is to be a delay in allowing the bid to proceed because of the News of the World scandal I hope the Government looks carefully at the BBC's monopoly status. I also hope the Government investigates the Guardian to ensure that its arrangements to minimise the tax it pays are in accordance with the law so that we can all be happy that they are as moral as they say they are.

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