Monday, 11 July 2011

The News of the World - again - and other rants

So there is nothing else to talk about save the News of the World scandal. Frankly the only immoral/illegal issues which I get excited about are the phone hacking of murdered children and of the killed or wounded  soldiers and their families. Whether Prescott's phone was hacked or not I could care less. People who live by newspaper coverage can die by it. It is easy to imagine that the police did not look into the phone hacking stories seriously because they took the same view as myself. The current investigation though should also cover whether the failure to find payments to coppers for information on the contact details of the Royal Family and the antics of celebrities was deliberate, sloppy or because the News International stable hid the evidence. The hypocrisy of the BBC, the Guardian and the Labour party is nauseating to see as is the complaint by Sarah Brown about her child. From what I've heard about her she is a loathsome person whose every bone is full of foul politics. J K Rowling and Sarah Brown deserve each other. It is extraordinary that with the emergence of the awful economic problems now besieging Italy, the inevitable default of Greece and our own economic plight no one is discussing the likely consequences, particularly for this country - it's as if they don't exist. I am of the view that Osborne must soon do something to encourage growth in the private sector by reducing taxes and bringing in a bonfire of the regulations including and particularly EU ones and to hell with the treaties we've signed up to. It is about time we looked after ourselves and if the EU doesn't like it then -tough - we will have to change the treaties. We must get rid of the awful Huhne and change energy tactics as we cannot afford expensive, landscape blotting, useless wind farms.

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