Thursday, 21 July 2011

Cameron's Win

Cameron did impressively well in the Commons yesterday afternoon in dealing with the whole hacking affair. Of course there remain unanswered questions, in particular the ones relating to conversations with Rebekah Brooks about BSkyB. What is an inappropriate conversation but what is an appropriate one? I assume in this instance an inappropriate one is one which compromises one of the participants to the conversation and one that does not compromise any participant is thus an appropriate conversation - not knowing what was said makes it impossible to say whether the conversation was or was not appropriate. Hopefully though the whole hacking scandal will now slowly melt away and we can concentrate on the more important things going on in the world like the euro crisis. The whole euro project was based on a false premise and if the eurocrats had any humility they would come clean and set about dismantling it in an orderly fashion today. They will be forced to do this in the end even if as seems likely they are not prepared to admit defeat now. How can self declared geniuses be wrong after all. Putting off the inevitable may save the faces of the eurocrats pro tem but will cost each EU taxpayer more than it would cost to commence the wind down today. Surely the idea of throwing good money after bad is a concept that only the British know about?  

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