Sunday, 29 May 2011


A self regarding vacuous demagogue is a dangerous animal. Demagogues are often bullies, weak individuals who are unable to cope with criticism or a different point of view. It was sickening therefore to see so many of our politicians fawning sycophantically over Obama after his speech in Westminster Hall last week. Obama is full of fine words that he knows will please his audience and I am told by people who say they understand these things that he is a fine orator. He makes my skin creep and his delivery irritates and bores me. I think it is because to me he comes across as insincere with no or little belief in what he says and no understanding of what he says means. If he really believed in the underdog he should be pushing hard for completion of the Doha round but he isn't, he's only concerned with protecting US producers. If he really believed in the rule of law he should have brought Osama back alive to face a trial but he didn't, he had him killed instead. If he really believed in democracy he would be doing more in Libya but his support for the rebels was both late and half-hearted. If he really cared about Nato he would be keeping the protective missile shield in the various countries close to Russia. I suspect that the prospective Republican Presidential nominee Tim Pawlenty must be right - Obama came to Europe for a pub crawl.   

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