Monday, 2 May 2011

Osama Bin Laden

Somehow I find the 'assassination' of Osama disturbing. That Osama was evil I have no doubt but because he was so evil and despised everything the West stood for and was prepared to kill in furtherance of his barbaric beliefs it does not seem right to have killed him like a dog in the same way he killed so many people. Surely we are better that that - surely we should never have stooped to his level. He should have been captured, tried and sentenced in order to show those who follow him that not only can no one can escape the law but that it is the rule of law which must prevail over us all. This killing is outside the rule of law and something I doubt we would have done ourselves given the reaction to the purported 'assassination' of members of the IRA several years ago and the recognition that 'assassinations', despite the seeming justification for them, make things worse - not better. What would also make me uneasy about this killing is the fact that it was carried out by foreign soldiers in Pakistan. Were the Pakistanis aware of what was going on? If they were unaware then I find the action of the US even more reprehensible. They would never tolerate a foreign army acting within their borders so why would they not respect Pakistan's borders. such action seems to support one of Osama's claims against the US. I can imagine the US fear of a leak if they had told the Pakistanis in advance of their intended action but there are ways of doing these things so that the intended action could not be leaked. The chants of "USA", "USA" outside the White House today is also shocking in its tone of aggressive hatred.         

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