Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Sweeney Todd

It seems that few people agree with my take on the killing of Osama bin Laden. In fact I have not found one although there is a religious website (Ekklesia) that calls it murder. Ekklesia's point about the killing is not the same as mine which is that the rule of law was ignored in the act of revenge. Bummer no doubt believes that the killing will enhance his chances of re-election but I'm not so sure. There must be those who felt nauseous like me at the sight of the White House watching the killing through the cameras attached to the helmets of the American troops who shot bin Laden dead and who were sickened like me by the chanting mob outside the USA gloating over the killing. Not even my barber agrees with me and to lighten the atmosphere after our disagreement on this subject this morning he told me a rather amusing anecdote. He was due to do the hair last Thursday of an invitee to The Wedding who rang to cancel due to illness and to say that even if she recovered in time she would not be able to go as her mother, a personal friend of the Queen, was dying. A little later that morning a Lady in Waiting came in to have her hair done but on being asked had not known about the Queen's friend being on her deathbed. A second Lady in Waiting came in for her hairdo that afternoon and told my barber that she had heard he'd told the previous Lady in Waiting the the Queen's friend was dead. Horrified, my barber corrected her. The Lady in question knowing that the Queen was just about to be told of her friend's death then 'phoned the person who was to tell the Queen and told her what the accurate state of play was so that the correct message could be given to Her Majesty. This was done but the Queen then wanted to know who was source of the information. On being told the Queen apparently retorted "One gets all the best news from one's hairdresser".

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