Saturday, 28 May 2011


As I sit at my window typing this blog I can see any number of people leaving the Chelsea Flower Show with plants, flowers and garden artefacts of all kinds that they have bought at bargain basement prices from the exhibitors. The mostly middle aged seem thoroughly pleased with their purchases showing off their bargains to the policemen directing them across the road. They all clearly think they have got value for money. It is a great shame we cannot feel the same way either about our politicians or our public servants. Over £100 million is today reported to have been spent on expenses by our local councils. Why do they need any expenses? Why do they need to be paid so much? Simply because they work for a Council with a huge turnover does not entitle them to the kind of or better than the salary and perks they would get in the private sector. They risk nothing and their jobs and pensions are secure for life. There is clearly an imbalance here which leads our public sector workers to think that they are the ones who can dictate not only to those who pay their salaries but also the politicians in supposed charge of them. This is the problem with all bureaucrats - they think they know best. They don't as frequently becomes clear. Who in their right minds would have thought the euro for countries like Greece was a good idea?    

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