Sunday, 8 May 2011

Adolf Eichmann

I imagine that we can all agree that Adolf Eichmann was responsible for killing tens of thousand more Jews than Osama killed innocent citizens in all the Al Qaeda attacks he either planned or supported around the world. Why then did the Israelis kidnap Eichmann and bring him to trial rather than shoot him as they could so easily have done over the 6 months they observed him? The Israelis wanted in part to demonstrate that they believed in the rule of law and in the need to show that all criminals should be brought to trial. It is incomprehensible that the US forces could not have done the same thing particularly as Osama was unarmed and there was only one man in his compound who had a gun and who was killed as I understand it before the Seals got to Osama. This is my last word on this subject but is it any wonder that some of us who admit to being to the right of Gengis Khan are of the view that Osama's death was murder. I do hope that before Bummer's visit here later this month the Government will have changed that nasty little Blairite law allowing members of foreign governments visiting these shores to be arrested for crimes they have supposedly committed outside the UK. Otherwise I fear that some nutcase might try to have Bummer put on trial.   

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