Monday, 23 May 2011


Canada is the only country in the World that I can think of which has a true conservative government. Wish we had one, one where the carbon reduction policy would be binned, which would encourage Tata to keep its steel works open as it will no longer be clobbered by the carbon tax, which reduces taxation to stimulate the economy, which protects its borders, which has no truck with privacy laws, which increases defence spending, which introduces a proper cuts programme, which revokes the Human Rights Act, which allows the judges discretion when sentencing, sends foreign prisoners back home, cuts red tape dramatically, encourages competition and will give us a referendum on coming out of the EU. One can only dream and hope that if after the next election the Tories have enough of a majority to rule on their own that they will be a little more like Stephen Harper's Canadian government. In the meantime one has to hope that the measures that have been taken to restore our broken economy are successful and that the government is prepared to boost the economy with tax cuts and drastic deregulation if the present measures are not enough. One also has to hope that the government will refuse to make any further contributions to the bail out of countries in the eurozone and that whoever becomes head of the IMF insists on some kind of structured default without throwing more good money after bad by making additional loans to the likes of Greece. Mme Lagarde may be the favourite for the post but she will see the eurozone problems from a strictly French point of view and will want to follow on from where DSK left off - handing out more loans. Her conflict of interest should disqualify her but notions of that kind are always set aside when it comes to the so called great and the good. DSK's successor should not come from Europe or if he or she has to then it should be someone who has an independent mind and yes somewhat of a sceptic when it comes to the EU and the euro.   

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