Friday, 20 May 2011

Two Rants

There are a number of things to rant about today such as the review by Lord Neuberger of super injunctions. Super injunctions are an odious protection of the rich and powerful and according to Neuberger can apparently only be granted because Parliament has given the courts the right to grant them. Parliament must therefore correct the balance in favour of the rest of the population and the freedom of the press. Other 'rantable' subjects are the EU, the Climate Warmists and the level of taxation but today the two issues which really need to be commented on are Bummer Obama's speech about the Middle East and Brown's desire to replace DSK. Bummer has demonstrated by his speech that he is both an appeaser and less intelligent than we have hitherto been led to believe. He fails altogether to understand how the extreme Islamic lot are hell bent on destroying Israel and that this might well happen were Israel to revert to its 1967 borders as Bummer proposes. One has to wonder if the fact that Bummer's father was a muslim has something to do with this view. As to Brown's desire to become Managing Director of the IMF one can only splutter and be amazed at the sheer gall of the man to assume that anyone would support the application of the chief architect of this country's appalling financial plight.

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