Friday 29 April 2011

Wedding Bells in London

Despite living only a mile away from Buckingham Palace everything here is very quiet. Not even the big party in Duke of York Square to celebrate the wedding has disturbed the day's tranquility. The only sounds to interrupt the peace were the mini buses used to transport the wedding guests from the Abbey to the Palace and a number of horses passing by early this morning. Later we heard the flypast. The threatened rain never materialised and it is now a nice sunny evening. Should Sam Cam have worn a hat or were the jewels in her hair enough? Should that pain in the backside Peter Hain have tweeted as he did about the lack of coverage of Ed Miliband? Certainly Victoria and David Beckham and Elton John and Furnish had more coverage but then they are not republicans like Ed Miliband. The Bishop of London made an intelligent and thought provoking address which was exactly right for this time. A pity in my view that he did not become Archbishop of Canterbury. Meanwhile in the rest of the world there have been anti regime demonstrations in Syria, further fighting in Libya including an attack on Tunisia and rescue and mopping up operations in the USA following the tornadoes and floods visited upon it. Let us not forget Japan either which although not reported here is suffering anything up to three earthquakes a day.      

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