Monday 25 April 2011

Lies, Damned Lies and Lib Dems

One might have thought that by being in government the Lib Dems would be rather more responsible with their election statements but no. they have reverted to type. According to them the cost of running an AV election will be no more than the cost of running a first past the post one. Common sense though tells us that an AV election is bound to be more expensive since there are going to be all the different preference votes to count. The Lib Dems are also furious that the role and indeed the impartiality of the Electoral Reform Society and of its subsidiary the Electoral Reform Services Limited are being questioned since ERS will gain financially from the referendum as they are involved in running it and yet have donated £1million to the YestoAV campaign. Clegg's and Huhne's references to Tory lies and so on should just be seen as the cheap shots that Lib Dems love to involve themselves in.   

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