Saturday, 24 March 2012

What Some Others Think of the Budget

The media members of the Saturday morning golf group I meet in the bar for a coffee first thing before we then proceed out on to the course, both thought that Osborne let himself down in his presentation of the 'granny tax'. Indeed this was the feeling of the eight of us. There was also almost a consensus that if he were going to reduce the top rate of tax he should have gone for a cut to 40p rather than 45p. Otherwise most seemed to feel the budget wasn't bad but fairly anodyne probably because the impact it could have had had been taken out of it by all the leaks. Charles Moore has written an excellent piece on the budget and slaughters those who having been bitching about the 'granny tax'. You can read it here. Fraser Nelson  seemed to think Osborne needs to speed up and I think he's right too. You can see his argument here. Whether you agree with Charles Moore or Fraser Nelson or not you must admire the serious thought they have put into their articles. The same cannot be said of the darling of the left Owen Jones who shows  here just what a lightweight he is. Why anyone pays him the slightest attention goodness knows but his 'performance' in this clip confirms what I thought about him the first time I heard him spouting on television. Where do they get these nonentities from and why are we subjected to their nostrums. Only on the BBC.

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