Tuesday, 6 March 2012

A Toast to Derry Irvine

According to a friend of mine Tony Blair is a very nice guy. I knew Blair, albeit when he was at the bar. For reasons which are too tedious to explain I instructed him on some commercial matter, or rather I instructed the urbane and claret loving Derry Irvine but at some point was passed on to Blair whilst Irvine was involved in some industrial tribunal matter. Blair was not a patch on Irvine and came across as somewhat inane. We found ourselves and our respective spouses at a wedding where the champagne flowed like cement. The Blairs knew fewer people than us and try as we did to rid ourselves of them they stuck to us like leeches. We all know why - I had some good clients that Blair epoux and epouse would have liked to have worked for. I can't complain about that but it was rather tedious nonetheless as both of them were as dull as ditch water with no scintilla of fun about them at all. This was way before he became an MP or the PM of a disastrous administration that we are all suffering from and will continue to suffer from for years to come, and I didn't even vote for his party. My view of Tony and Cherie was not altered by the fact that my wife had known Carole Caplin since she was born. Why am I saying all this ? I'm not really sure save that this friend who told me Tony Blair is such a nice chap has made me want to do so. If not in awe of Blair Cameron acts as if he is or did so until recently, that is a big mistake. That Miliband is now trying to ingratiate himself with the Blair supporters in his party by meeting with him and reporting that Blair says he should be himself. Cameron needs no advice from Blair. Despite his weaknesses in my eyes he is worth ten of Blair. He is also worth ten of Clegg and has no need to mollycoddle him. Cameron must now stand up for Conservative policies as they are the only policies that will get this country moving again. Osborne should also be reminded of the need for Tory policies and to stop trying to out-finesse everyone and everything. There is a time for being blunt and that time has now arrived.          

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