Thursday, 15 March 2012

Osborne and Oborne

There have been calls for Osborne to clarify his position on tax. Does he believe in low taxes or is he in favour of higher taxes for the wealthy? He was at one time interested in a flat tax, has this interest been discarded and why? There have also been criticisms of the increase in regulation rather than cuts and of course the announcement that Fitch has put us on negative watch is, though understandable, a disappointment. There are supposedly some signs of some very small green shoots, for example amongst the gloom of yesterday's unemployment figures it was shown that there has been a tiny increase in the number in employment and from what I understand Manpower UK to be saying they have indications from employers that they are considering taking on more staff in the next few months. We desperately need a strategy for growth and Osborne would do a lot worse than listen to the Adam Smith Institute on the issue here for advice on what principles such a strategy should be based. Taxation takes money out of the economy and government spending does not result in growth as has been made demonstrably clear by Brown's disastrous economic policies, the policies of a con artist. There is speculation about why Osborne was taken by Cameron on his visit to Obama. Chancellors do not normally get included in these types of visits. Was Osborne there to learn something specific or perhaps to meet the Republican contenders for Presidential Candidate since Cameron couldn't or wouldn't meet them? I suppose it's fair to assume Cameron didn't have the time to see them all and couldn't see only one or two of them for fear of being seen as favouring one contender over another. As to Cameron's meetings with Obama, Peter Oborne in the Telegraph has an interesting take on them here. I have to agree that it is sad Cameron is not taking a different line from Blair with the USA and does not object strongly to US policy on assassinations and the continuance of Guantanamo. Oborne should though be more understanding of the US army's problems with murderers, Koran burners and the like in its ranks. All armies have such people and strong discipline is needed to keep these elements under control. I feel sure the troops concerned will be dealt with in the appropriate manner but if I am wrong then Oborne's strictures will have been well made.       

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