Friday, 23 March 2012

Put the WWF in Liquidation

I fail to understand why the taxpayer is expected to pay anything to any organisation like the World Wildlife Fund. Those that support this nasty little fascist NGO or whatever it is can do so privately. Apparently the government on our behalf has paid this excrescence £12million over the period 2008-2011. Our previous government were complete suckers for paying anything to this and all sorts of other so called charities and NGOs to piss on the rest of us but I do not understand why the current government  should continue this folly. This government has recognised that it is inimical to good governance to allow  employees to spend all or part of their time on trade union affairs while being paid at the same time by the taxpayer and is starting to clear up this scandal (although it is taking its time). It must also stop the payment of any contribution to NGOs and charities, whatever they do. Anyone who believes such charities and NGOs are worth supporting can do so out of their own pocket, not out of the pockets of the rest of us who rather than support an organisation like the World Wildlife Fund would gladly see it go bust. The reason for this diatribe is a post on The Commentator blog which you can read here. The WWF can say what it likes about the budget but it is distinctly bad manners to do so when it is in receipt of funding from the organisation that produced the budget.

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