Friday, 1 October 2010

Thank Goodness

The damage  Gordon Brown caused both as Chancellor and as Prime Minister was bad enough, heaven knows, but the damage he would have caused if he had taken us into the Euro would have been far, far worse. Thus if it's true that he stopped us from joining the Euro we have to be applaud him. One only has to read what is happening to Ireland, where the Euro has caused them horrific problems, to know we are better off out. Their problems are quite possibly insoluble and they will most likely need to start again with a clean slate.  In other words to save themselves they are going to have to default.

The fear that we might go the same way is not one shared by the more sane commentators since with our own currency and with the reductions in future expenditure we will certainly escape Ireland's fate. We do though need to ensure that the private sector is allowed to grow and that the conditions for it to do so are made as conducive as possible by the Government through lower taxes, less regulation, control over inflation and a supportive currency policy. The amount spent on the EU, wind-farms and other such fripperies must be radically reduced (better still stopped altogether) and  projects such as nuclear energy plants and a new airport or at least a new runway, all paid for by the private sector, must be allowed to go ahead as soon as possible.

These are all optimistic issues and it is to be hoped that they and other expressions of confidence in our future will be highlighted in speeches to be given at the Tory party conference.     

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