It was no doubt inevitable that with the significant increase in students since 1992 that the Blairite funding system had to change and that as a result of the mess we're in students are going to have to pay more. Lord Browne's report seems well measured and although students and others are protesting it seems to have been well received by University Vice-Chancellors and by most politicians. Despite their election pledges it looks unlikely that there will be a rebellion by LibDem MPs. Students will not need to start repaying their loans until they earn at least £21,000 (increased from £15,000), thus University tuition fees do not need to be paid at the time of supply nor at any later time by the less well off. There was an intelligent discussion about all this earlier this evening on Jeff Randall Live on Sky News.
All protests against Lord Browne's proposals are strangely muted in comparison to those protests in Paris today against the increase in the retirement age from 60 to 62 and the age of receipt of the full state pension from 65 to 67. There are some sops though but these have to be paid for out of increased taxation. Although I have not seen it reported there will no doubt be French citizens who think we and other EU saps, as with the Common Agricultural Policy, should pay for their self indulgence. After all we are talking of La France. Would we do so? Quite possibly if paying the increase demanded of us by the EU is anything to go by. Being a revolting lot the French can though no doubt understand the SW3 cry "No taxation without a vote on the EU and all its ways"! Merde alors!
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