Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Defence Review

It makes me angry, nay bloody angry, that the Labour Government so mismanaged our finances that there is a £38 billion hole in our defence budget. It makes me disappointed, nay sad, that as a result the Nimrod replacement has been cancelled, Ark Royal is going, our Harriers are being stood down, our frigates and destroyers are being reduced from 23 to 19 ships and that there will be a gap between the 2 new aircraft carriers being built and the joint striker planes being delivered. Why not keep Ark Royal and the Harriers in commission until the arrival of the new planes? Why not make cuts in the NHS and the Overseas Aid budgets to pay for this? We all know the NHS budget is stuffed full of waste and that the elimination of that waste would not adversely affect its performance in any way.  Perhaps not enough of us though appreciate the need for a strong defence force even in this day and age. Cameron impressed today both in Parliament and at the UK Permanent HQ. A pity the same could not be said of Ed Miliband.


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