Sunday, 24 October 2010

Cuts and Comments

Is it because the left in general have the worst arguments that they unfailingly misrepresent what the those on the right are saying or doing? Look, for example, at what the left always say about the BNP - that it is an extreme right wing organisation. This is simply untrue. Most of the BNP's tenets are those of the left and those that aren't are certainly not of the right with the sole exception of reducing personal taxation. The BNP would renationalise monopoly utilities and services. I know nobody on the right that has ever wished to do that. It is therefore no surprise that Danny Blanchflower (a Brown appointee to the MPC of the Bank of England) has come out against the cuts by saying that they are the 'biggest and riskiest macroeconomic experiment'. The reality is that the cuts have brought certainty and if that is a risky experiment then let's have more of them. I could also have bet that at some point we would have heard from Dame Suzi Leather, a Labour Party apparatchik appointed as Head of the Charity Commission following the enactment of the Charities Act 2006, and sure enough she was on radio 4 in her capacity as Head of the Charity commission this weekend. In so far as you could understand what she was saying it was that the cuts will be bad for charities. It seems odd to me that as a civil servant she felt able to make what was after all a political statement since it is at odds with the Government's well known keenness on charities. I suspect it is time for Suzi to depart. I think it is also time for the class warfare Charities Act 2006 to be replaced with an Act that respects private education.

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