Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Lone Piper's Lament and Balance

Across the street, outside the Margaret Thatcher Infirmary in Royal Hospital Road, a lonely Piper squeezes a lament. Is some old Scottish soldier dying or is there another event on at the Royal Chelsea Hospital that requires serenading? One is most unlikely to know although with the numbers walking by it is probably the latter. It is drizzling and I am dissuaded as a result from going to find out.

It could of course be a lament for the decision of Miliband Senior to withdraw from front bench politics. Such a lament would be entirely in keeping with the status of this extraordinarily gifted man, visionary in his own lifetime and almost godlike figure he is presented to us as being by members of his tribe and the left leaning media. Those of us though who question this reading of the man must be wrong as we are told Hillary Clinton likes him. That ends the debate even if it matters not if Hillary hates him. For the sake of transparency though, which the BBC for one is so concerned about in other people, it would be most helpful if journalists, tv as well as print ones, were to have to make clear their own political leanings when propounding their views. We would then be able to say 'he/she would say that wouldn't he/she' and weigh their words accordingly. This might help bring a bit of balance in the media that we so desperately need in this country.  

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