Wednesday 2 November 2011

Cameron in Wonderland

I am glad Papandreou has been supported by his cabinet on the referendum issue as it brings some level of much needed democracy to the EU. It makes Cameron's decision to have a 3 line whip look even more pathetic than those of us who advised against the whip said it would. Cameron must up his game as we desperately need a sure footedness and statesmanship that is currently missing from amongst our leaders. We need a plan for Hayekian growth not the Keynesian tosh that the unpricked Balls balloon keeps spouting at every opportunity. There is plenty of Hayekian advice out there for the government to follow to ensure we survive this mess the EU has got us into and Cameron has to make his mark at the G20 this weekend even if it makes him unpopular with the other leaders none of whom other than the Prime Minister of Canada is worth anything anyway. No wonder we are in the mess we're in if we listen to the advice offered by Rowan Williams. There is nothing Christ like about the Occupy lot whose main beef is based on envy and worse still on the idea that those who do nothing have an absolute right to live off the earnings of those who work hard. Surely Williams should be supporting the providers and if not then surely he should be sacked. Williams should be robust in the defence of all the people and not just those who seek to despoil St Paul's. He should be vigorously leading the campaign to remove the Occupiers from their encampment. The Church of England has truly been taken over by a socialist clique, not even a liberal one.    

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