Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Van Rompuy

The euro soap opera continues with the usual lies being propagated about how if Greece leaves the euro it will cause all in the EU unmentionable problems. This is what is being fed to the Irish ahead of their referendum on the fiscal pact tomorrow. How will the unmentionable problems if Greece were to leave the eurozone be any worse than the unmentionable problems of staying in? The one advantage of leaving the eurozone and a compelling one at that is the ability to devalue. As we all know the Icelanders devalued their currency when they had their financial crisis and look where they are now. Why would Greece leaving the eurozone and devaluing be any different? It wouldn't be and hopefully the Irish will vote 'no' tomorrow despite all the scaremongering they are being subjected to. One of the scaremongers is Van Rompuy who is giving a talk at Chatham House tomorrow and I shall attempt to ask him why a Greek exit from the euro followed by the devaluation of the drachma would not achieve the same result as in Iceland. I would also like to ask him why the EU, which is not a state, needs its own Foreign Office and why its budget is increasing when member countries are being asked to reduce theirs. Van Rompuy comes from an excuse for a country and yet has somehow managed to get himself elevated to be president of the European Council. It is a bit much that no ordinary elector has voted for him and yet he exercises considerable power. I wonder how he squares his conscience whilst exercising that power about the huge democratic deficit in Europe or whether it disturbs him not a jot.  

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