Monday, 21 May 2012

The Curse of 'Disrespect'

No doubt they will say they were 'disrespected' and that they had every reason therefore to kill Luke Fitzpatrick who if his friend Ricci is correct was not a part of the ruckus that led to the stabbing and that therefore the perpetrators got the wrong man. The BBC, of course, do not mention that the attackers were black. What is it about those who go around with knives, black or white, who think that to 'disrespect' someone can lead to only one result, death. Killing someone is the ultimate 'disrespect' and thus clearly far greater than any imagined insult. Why don't these knife carriers get it? Logically for their 'disrespect they should be hung but I imagine that they are against corporal punishment and there is the bleeding heart issue that you cannot hang 17 year olds - the age of the two youngsters arrested for the murder. This violence was generated around a football game although I have read no mention of what the initial ruckus was about. This is not the first time that an issue as trite as football has resulted in a death but even more serious matters like the euro crisis have their victims. In the case of Greece of course it has been suicides. Greece's best chance of getting out of the mess it's in is to leave the euro but the firebrand Mr Tsipras doesn't want to leave the euro as he wants the conditions relating to the Greek bail outs to be relaxed presumably because without the bail out money Greece would still have to cut government expenditure whilst it grew its economy by selling cheap holidays. Greece in any case would do well to follow the suggestions proposed in the 2020 Tax Commission Report which our Government should adopt lock, stock and barrel. Will Osborne have the guts to do so? Even if what is proposed does not meet the expectations of the Report's authors in every respect the results will without question provide us with a better system than the one we have now and will make all of us better off.

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