Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Cut Deeper

Travelling in and around London by road has become a nightmare because of all the road works. If it isn't the National Grid it's Thames Water digging up the roads. Presumably this is all being crammed in now in order to meet Boris's edict that no road works can be carried out whilst the Olympics are on. Yet another reason Londoners should be given a discount on their local taxes this year. The discrimination against those of us that live here is never ending. Apart from other road closures there is a special event on Sunday which will close the Kings Road and roads off it. No doubt one reason for the road works is the Keynes idea that carrying out roadworks and the like boosts the economy. These works have to be paid for out of taxation which in turn takes money out of people's pockets. What the Government needs to do to boost the economy is to reduce its own spending significantly so that it can cut taxes thus leaving more  money in people's pockets so that they can buy more so that private enterprise can make more profits and pay more in taxes. The idea is so simple an idiot can understand it but seemingly not our politicians because the devil is in the detail. What do you cut? Everyone goes along with cuts in theory but so long as it's not in "my back yard".  We elect the politicians to make the choices but if they're not prepared to take a decision then they should make way for those who will and if the next lot are equally as pathetic then they should give us a referendum. The present lot have made a start but a rather wishy washy one. They must be bolder particularly now that the eurozone is in such turmoil. We can only protect ourselves from the fallout from the euro debacle  by battening down the hatches which means deep cuts.  

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