Saturday, 14 April 2012

Who Cares Who is French President?

Didn't Sarkozy in the run up to the Presidential election he won indicate that he wanted France to adopt a more Anglo-Saxon style economy? That was my impression and one I seem to recall some French friends had too. That was one of the reasons why they voted for him. Sarkozy's failure to make the French economy less dirigiste is one of the reasons why he has left my French friends disappointed. If he were keen on a less dirigiste economy last time around he certainly has a different view now. Furthermore his attitude to all things Anglo-Saxon has changed completely. So much so that he is now using anti British rhetoric to try and drum up support for his campaign in the current Presidential election. This is really quite flattering.  Sarkozy is supposed to be of the right but if that's true it is a funny kind of right since he believes in big government and that only the state can run the economy and social matters. Daniel Hannan has an interesting blog on this which you can read here. Virtually every day there is example after example of how differently we see the world from most if not all other EU countries even where those other countries have right of centre governments. Almost every day there is example after example of how the EU is run by a socialist eurocracy of which the smug Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, is a prime specimen. For an interesting piece on Sculz read this Open Europe blog here. Why should these people whose politics are abhorrent have any say over how this country is run? We must leave the EU and run ourselves.

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