Thursday, 26 April 2012

Renewable Energy and Other Laughing Matters

Global warming has morphed into climate change apparently without any of the warmists blinking an eye. The evidence shows there has been no warming over the last ten years but the weather pattern has changed back to more like I remember it to be in my youth say 50 years ago. In those far off days we knew the weather pattern was a cyclical event and just got on with it. Those born later seem to think the gods have sought them out for special treatment which is a bit arrogant of them I think. What is so special about them that they are being subjected to climate change rather than a cyclical change in the weather pattern? Is it because they know so much more, are better educated or are infinitely more intelligent? Whatever it is it was somewhat depressing to listen to Cameron's speech to the Clean Energy forum today. Somewhat because he did not deny that we need power from clean coal (what is the clean coal he was referring to), oil and gas, shale gas and nuclear energy sources but he did lay particular emphasis on renewable sources of energy such as wind farms, solar panels and bio mass. Listening to Cameron as he banged on about green energy one wondered if the penny will ever drop that the renewable energy he is talking about cannot be relied upon under any circumstances save at the very periphery. It is not only grossly inefficient but very expensive and he is doing great damage by making us pay for some worthless dream. Our money needs to be steered into growth projects not in paying subsidies for so called renewables which never get past the drawing board stage as a serious competitor to the more traditional sources of energy. If other countries want to delude themselves about renewable energy programmes and spend billions on experimenting with this one and that then let them but leave the British taxpayer out of it - if it is possible to do so under EU rules. Mention of the EU brings to mind the EU budget. A far more important topic than the media/political class navel gazing about bloody Murdoch at all. What does the EU think it's doing increasing its budget by 7% when at the same time it is telling each country to reduce its budget. the EU says the increase is in part to pay for the increase in the EU Foreign Office. The EU is not a country and does not need a Foreign Office so it should wind up whatever it calls its joke version and save us money.

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