Thursday, 29 September 2011

Will the EU lead to Bloodshed?

It was so good to see the Newsnight excerpt this morning of the demolition rendered by Oborne on Richard Lambert and some eurocrat on a live feed from Brussels. People like Lambert and the supercilious little idiot (as Oborne called him) from Brussels being given back what they have doled out to euro sceptics in the past was more than satisfying especially as they didn't like it up 'em with the one asking Paxman to intervene and the other leaving in a huff. The prat from Brussels was either ignorant or a spin merchant pretending that the euro/EU was the most important factor in keeping peace in Europe which is simply not true. There are many reasons for there having been peace in Europe since the war including the split of Germany into two parts, Soviet hostility on our doorstep, Nato and the Marshall Plan initially and latterly Nato, huge advances in technology and globalisation. Sad to say that we were not foresighted enough as a nation to see that joining the Common Market was a retrograde step as within about 10 years of doing so the world started going global. The EU is an introverted, protectionist institution always looking at its navel. It can't help it as it is led by those with social democratic ideas and still developing a sense of itself. Navel gazing isn't something we're good at though. We have always looked outside and would have been much better off staying on our own and developing our ties with Australia and Canada and the rest of the world and pushing our ideas of free trade. We are though where we are and it is frightening to think that Germany is likely act in a most undemocratic way by agreeing to a scheme which will increase the bail out fund to €2 trillion without the German people or their elected representatives having a vote on the same. Indeed if this happens this could well lead to bloodshed and it will have been the EU which is the cause of it.      

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