Tuesday, 20 September 2011

What Kind of Idiot is Huhne?

Try as I may to find one LibDem who I think is worth his place in government it is difficult to do so. Apart possibly from Clegg, Alexander and Laws all the rest of them are a bunch of wankers. Chief amongst the wankers is the supercilious Huhne who has absolutely no idea about what is needed as an energy policy and who will ruin us all with his green taxes. If you don't believe me listen to his speech today to the LibDem conference. If I sound angry it's because I am. Huhne's snide joke about Tea Partiers is the last straw. Doesn't he realise that we are fed up with socialist taxes dressed up as charges for services which was one of the reasons Labour lost the last election? Doesn't he suspect that we are fed up to the point of rebellion against an unelected elite that rules us from Brussels? Doesn't he realise that we are so fed up with the EU and given a referendum we will vote to leave it? We are suffocated by the EU and freeing ourselves from it will give us back our freedom to live our own lives again, to make our own mistakes, sure, but also to make our own successes without being held back by too many rules. The English have always ridden their horses with a loose rein - the Germans and the French the opposite. What cannot we not do without the continental yoke weighing us down like slaves. There was a time when I thought those in charge of the eurozone would be able to sort out the euro problem but it is quite clear this is not going to happen. It is now inevitable that the foreseen euro stresses and strains will make the EU implode. It must be obvious that we have a better chance of survival out of the EU than in it. We can then follow a Hayekian path back to prosperity as the Keynesian version has been tested to destruction and found badly wanting. Extraordinary isn't it that the IMF are now saying we should follow a Keynesian line if activity were to undershoot current expectations and delay cuts and increase borrowing. Can we count on Osborne to stand up to this nonsense?  

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