Thursday, 15 September 2011

The UK's Vote on Palestine at the UN

Cameron and Sarkozy have received their moment of glory in Libya today for having used force against the Gaddafi regime to such helpful effect on behalf of the rebels. How will this though affect Britain's stance on the vote coming up at the UN on question of a Palestinian state? There really should be no question about how the UK is going to vote especially since the wannabe Palestinian state has declared it will be a jew free zone despite the fact that there are apparently 300,000 jews who together with their forebears have lived for thousands of years in what could become Palestine. Archbishop Cranmer has a particularly potent blog on this here. It will be an absolute disgrace if the UK fails to vote against the Palestinian motion or votes in favour of it. To do so will not have the kind of effect the FCO will intend it to have as it will not endear the Arab states to us. It will instead be seen as a cynical and hypocritical move on our part. If we want to support Arab democracy as I believe we do then we must be consistent and support all democracies. Israel is one of the few democratic states and we must therefore support it. There is even less democracy in so called Palestine than there is in Egypt and Tunisia at the moment where the army in each case seems to exercise considerable control in the same way it did prior to the Arab Spring. In so called Palestine there is the malevolent presence of Iran in the background and there is nothing democratic about that country's regime as we know. If the rumours about Iran's support of Al Qaeda are true then apart from any other reason for voting against the UN Palestine motion we will need Israel on our side in any fight that is likely to occur with Iran or its surrogates.

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