Friday, 16 September 2011

Sinclair's 'Let Them Eat Carbon'

Matthew Sinclair has written a book on climate change called 'Let Them Eat Carbon'. If I understand what he says about his book, see here, which I hasten to add I have not yet read, he does not so much challenge the science but takes to task those who are making us follow a policy which costs more than the  damage that is supposedly done to the climate by our carbon emissions. In other words the Government's actions and plans are disproportionate to the alleged man made damage caused to the climate by global warming. I said 'the alleged' because I remain to be convinced that man is the cause of global warming although it is impossible to know since those who support the warming theory have entrenched views and simply do not seem able to approach the evidence or lack of it in a rational way and shout down those who take a different line. Sinclair goes on to say that rather than spend huge sums of money on so called antidotes to climate warming which can only lead to significantly increased energy poverty, the government should be investing in research and development to ensure we have cheaper energy. It is surely madness to pay out huge subsidies to ensure we have green credentials when in these hard financial times we need to bring down the cost of living for all and also when we do not know, whatever anyone says, whether the so called science is right or wrong.    

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