Tuesday, 2 August 2011

J K Rowling and Obama

There are two stories in the Telegraph today which make for blood boiling. The first is about J K Rowling who says that because she was a single mother the last Conservative government made her feel a hate figure and a bogeyman. This is a monumental misrepresentation. The last Conservative government was talking about teenagers who deliberately played the system by becoming pregnant in order to get a home of their own and without any intention of trying to make a living, preferring to live on benefits instead - women like Karen Matthews, who went one further by attempting to kidnap her own daughter for the ransom money, being a good example. Ms Rowling was not one of those single mothers the Tories were rightly worried about - very much the reverse. Ms Rowling's hatred of Tories is palpable but she should not let it allow her to tell any old cock and bull story about the Tories. By so doing she demeans herself rather than the Tories as does her desperate support of the awful Gordon and Sarah Browns. The other story that curdled the blood is the one about Osama bin Laden. An unnamed US special operations officer has apparently told a New Yorker correspondent that the intention all along was to kill Osama bin laden and not to capture him. I have already blogged before on the question of assassination and nothing I have heard since has changed my mind. Only a weak man like Bummer Obama would even contemplate such an action even if assassination is a US policy. Such a policy demeans the US though and I for one shall cheer when and if Obama is tried for murder.

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