Friday, 26 August 2011

Dirigisme at its LibDem Best

If ever there was a good example of why we should not be in the EU it is the fact announced today that the Government has had to adopt the anti job directive to give employees working for employment agencies the same rights as employees working directly for British companies. This has happened despite no agreement being reached between the government, the CBI (representing employers) and the Unions. Under EU rules because there was no agreement the Unions had the last say and the directive has thus become law. This is literally unbelievable but true and just goes to show how slanted to the left is the whole EU project. The Unions, thank God, are a dying metabolism in this country but all they had to do on this occasion was to do nothing in order to get want they wanted. This piece of legislation welcomed by the LibDems will, it has been estimated, cost us £1.8 billion a year for no advantage to man or beast. Is it any wonder organisations like the British Chambers of Commerce are spitting blood and senior conservatives are furious. Which bloody idiot thought up this idea in the first place? It really is time that until we leave the EU that we know the names of the faceless eurocrats who dream up each new directive and other bits of red tape so that they can be at least made to answer justified questions on this kind of madness. Without democracy the EU is nothing but a nasty little fascist state, a state that continental countries love as it merely extends their dirigiste past. Dirigisme is not a British tradition for good reason so what the hell are we doing participating in the EU. We should never have believed those who told us that the last world war had killed the european dirigisme disease. How naive we were.  

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