Monday, 1 August 2011

Cameron as PM

Although I voted for Cameron to become Tory leader and although I have tried to understand him there are moments when he has left me puzzled. Why for example would he want to be the heir to Blair, one of the worst prime ministers we have suffered under. Blair had no principles as was made evident by his dealings with people like Ecclestone, by his choice of 'friends' and advisers, by his acceptance of freebies and his easy lies. I do not think Cameron is principle less nor, with the possible exception of Coulson, has he chosen friends and advisers that I despise and neither do I think he is a bare faced liar. He has to that extent earned my admiration but I wish I knew more about what he truly believes in. Is he really a eurosceptic? Is he really a supporter of the deficit plan, the reform of the NHS, the military covenant, reform of the Human Rights Act, the destruction of DNA samples of innocent people held by the police and so on? Somehow with the various u-turns I'm not sure any more that he has any deep rooted principles or has the guts to say 'this is me, this is where I stand and if you don't like it vote me out of office next time'. People will respect him for that and a majority will vote for him as a decent person as a result. As I say he is a puzzle. I wish though he could be more sceptical about climate change. I appreciate this would demonstrate a change of view on his part but to me this would have shown reasonableness in light of the scientific evidence ranged against the seriously flawed hockey stick theory. He has not resiled though from his view and indeed has made matters worse by supporting the awful Ms Gillard's carbon tax which definitely both puzzles and aggravates me.

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