Monday, 15 August 2011

Cameron v Miliband

Naturally I would support Cameron over Miliband, as you might well think. Indeed I do on this occasion because it seems self evident to me that the reason why we are in the mess we are in is down to the policies pursued by the establishment ever since Crosland's unbelievably misguided education reforms. The criminalisation or prohibition of what are man's natural instincts has led to this sorry state and must be reversed. Miliband's enquiry is not needed. The abolition of competition in schools and for school places, the prohibition on discipline both in the home and at school and the encouragement of single mothers, the blame culture, human rights culture and health and safety issues have all conspired to bring us to where we are today. These are all issues on which considerable thinking on how to reverse them has already taken place and the only point of an enquiry would be to delay the introduction of the worked out solutions. Nothing knee jerk gimmickry about that. By proposing an enquiry we must assume that Miliband opposes the necessary reforms. Hardly a surprise as almost without exception the policies which got us onto this mess were all proposed by the Labour party and its acolytes like the BBC and the Guardian. Cameron must stick to his guns on these issues and on the reform of the police. He should also take the opportunity to break up the BBC to allow true competition in the UK for Radio and TV. Contrary to Cameron Allister Heath does not agree that the police numbers should be reduced and neither does he think we should be supporting the integration of the eurozone into a sovereign state. I agree it is not in our interest to support such a new state and maybe I am clutching at straws but I think the strategy is to show support for what the eurozone countries seem to want and use the generated goodwill to negotiate the terms we want in any new arrangement. I doubt the government believe the eurozone state will happen.       

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