Monday, 6 June 2011

Trade Unions

It is sometimes puzzling that one's view of the world seems to be so completely different from those of others that one wonders what planet the others live on. So it is with the Trade Unions. The only way they can justify a strike against the Government's economic policies is not for any economic reason but because they want to enter into a debate about the Government's policies. In other words they will be striking for political reasons. No State employee should be allowed to strike for political reasons. We pay more than enough out of our taxes for useless or non jobs as well as for gold plated public sector pensions. For the taxpayer to have to pay for public sector workers to go on strike is just a step too far. No State employee should be allowed to join a political strike other than in his own time and without any taxpayer subvention. As said on a previous blog no strike should be allowed to proceed without at least 50% of those entitled to vote doing so.  Although Vince Cable did not today propose anything as sensible as my proposal his pusillanimous suggestion that the Government might need to look again at banning strikes by public sector workers if such strikes imposed serious damage on the economy was of course greeted with heckling.   

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