Thursday, 30 June 2011

The EU Budget Increase

In their arrogant way the eurocrats are just about to get to the point where not only British taxpayers but taxpayers across the EU are going to get so angry that not only our government but also other governments are going to have to take notice. The demand for an increase in the EU budget when Greece is being told to cut its budget is somewhat insensitive to say the least of it. It is insensitive also to demand more from other countries which are having to embark on cuts to their budgets as well. As far as the UK is concerned any demand to do away with our rebate will be like a red rag to a bull as will any increase in our contribution and any imposition of new EU taxes. Although the rebate point is said to be only a rumour at this point our Government is taking it seriously as Downing Street has announced that not only will they vote against unreasonable rises in the budget and oppose the introduction of new EU taxes they will also protect the rebate. If the rebate were to go we would be contributing more to the EU even than Germany. In a way I hope the eurocrats insist on the withdrawal of the rebate as the backlash will be huge and give us the necessary oomph to ensure that our relationship with Brussels is changed significantly for the better. We'd be better out but if that proves a step too far then at least we should be able to do a Swiss type deal. In his blog this morning Daniel Hannan said "the EU has become a racket: a mechanism to redistribute resources from the many to the few. I can understand why the Greeks are protesting. What I can’t understand is why the rest of us aren’t." The moment to protest has not yet arrived but it will do soon and with a vengeance if the rumour about the rebate is true.

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