Monday, 13 June 2011

A Ruined Day

I was upset first today when I read that Clegg was claiming that he had singled handedly made the Tories tone down the NHS reforms to something that would now be acceptable. I was further upset when I turned on radio 4 at about one fifteen today and heard the voice of Tony Blair, charlatan in chief of the last Labour Government which never spoke the truth about anything when a lie would do. My day was completely ruined when I read the critique of Osborne  made by Balls in today's Daily Mirror in which he writes, well, balls about how his notes on removing Blair to impose the violent idiot Brown as Prime Minister was a Tory plot. Yet despite all of this Ed Miliband adopted David Cameron as a role model and used the same kind of language in his speech today about the undeserving and the deserving poor. Will this result in Archbishop Williams now attacking Ed Miliband? It would be an antidote to a miserable day if the Archbishop were to do so but do pigs fly? Even though the antidote will not be administered it was still satisfying seeing John Denham on Jeff Randall Live this evening squirming and saying that Labour did not make enough reforms to the benefit system when they were in power.      

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