Saturday, 12 March 2011

No to AV

The greatest fear with the AV referendum is that the No to AV campaign will be so far ahead in the polls by the time it takes place that those of its supporters who would otherwise make the effort to go and vote will be overcome with apathy thinking the result a forgone conclusion, particularly in those areas where there is no local elections and the like taking place at the same time. It is essential that those who support No to AV win the referendum as the likely result if those who vote Yes to AV win is that we shall end up with a permanent coalition of the left ruling us. It is quite clear that the LibDems would have gone into a coalition with Labour if the number of seats Labour had won would have given a Labour/LibDem coalition an overall majority in the Commons. If AV passes it is quite clear that thereafter and except in exceptional circumstances only the LibDems and Labour could form a majority with an increasingly leftward agenda. Nothing that I have seen about the LibDems gives me any confidence in their governing abilities. Witness the vote today on the NHS reforms at their Spring Conference. Witness that prating fool Menzies Campbell who wishes to take over as Foreign Secretary from Hague. Hague is probably the best Foreign Secretary we have had for over a century even if he is not concerned with fighting the internal political war. Both Straw and David Miliband were capable of fighting the internal political war - a pity though that they were so lousy at being Foreign Secretary. Incidentally I hear that the SAS mission was to take out weapons of mass destruction and not to make contact with any rebel group. If true it is a great pity it failed if the Gaddafis retain power.  

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