Monday, 7 March 2011

Don't be Vague, Ask for Hague

So the embarrassing 'capture' of British diplomats and their SAS escort was due to a 'serious misunderstanding' of their role, whatever that might mean. Misunderstandings generally signify a cock-up as a result of someone misinterpreting someone else's intentions. Is it significant in the great scheme of things? Probably not as all's well that ends well. We will have to wait for thirty years to know what exactly happened unless of course there is a prior leak. What is certain is that for the failed politician Menzies Campbell to state that the infiltration of the diplomats into eastern Libya to talk to the rebels was 'ill conceived, poorly planned and badly executed' is irresponsible. What does he know that we don't know about the events surrounding this embarrassment. If he knows more than we do then he should tell us what happened in order to justify his remarks and so that we can then judge whether his criticisms are pertinent or not. On thing that is concerning though about the various Jasmine Revolutions swirling around the Middle East are the reports of attacks on the local Christian communities. Archbishop Cranmer has the story about all this in his excellent blog of today - see        

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