Sunday, 6 March 2011

Cameron's Speech

Cameron is right, there is far too much regulation and much of it should be withdrawn but how is he going to do this when so much of it comes from the EU? How is he going to control the burden put on business by quangos when the burning of the quangos proved to be such a damp squib? How is Cameron going to keep down the cost of doing business in this country when energy prices are so high and will be increased as a result of the madness of the wind farm policy where the electricity these farms produce has to be paid for at twice the market rate? How will his natural supporters be kept onside when the tax regime hits them hardest? Why doesn't he reduce both the corporation tax rate as well as those of individuals to incentivise the entrepreneurs he wishes to encourage? Why is biofuel encouraged when it reduces the amount grown for food and is hardly environmentally friendly? Why do we not expand our nuclear power stations and oil from shale extraction? We know that politics is the art of the possible but syou cannot please all of the people all of the time so you have to take risks and do so for the right reasons. Following Labour's bankrupt policies on the EU, on global warming and taxation is not the way to go.   

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