Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Despite what those like Huhne believe there is considerable doubt amongst the scientific establishment about global warming and about man’s contribution to it. In light of the climate we have been enjoying recently it really does seem silly to rush in and impose another tax, build more fairly useless wind farms, cut back on carbon emissions etc rather than wait say another 20 years to see what the result of the current climate leads to. In the interim the time should be used to carry out further uncontroversial analysis into global warming so that if at the end of the 20 years even the current sceptics are convinced something should be done then we can all support the necessary legislation/taxation. The only thing Napoleon said that I agree with is ‘when in doubt do nothing’. As Huhne is no doubt an admirer of that awful tyrant Napoleon like my French father-in-law (he had an excuse - he was French) one would expect him to follow the little man (about the same size as Huhne?). The 20 years should also be usefully used to push forward the development of/search for alternative energy forms including nuclear.

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